Guru Geeta - Datta Vaakya - 169
🌹 Guru Geeta - Datta Vaakya - 169 🌹 ✍️ Sadguru Ganapathi Sachidananda 📚. Prasad Bharadwaj 161 Guru Ashtakam, Sloka 7: Na bhoge, na yoge, na vaa vajirajou Na kanta mukhenaiva vittesu chittam | Guroranghri padme manaschenna lagnam Tatah kim Tatah kim, Tatah kim Tatah kim || So far we discussed that some people feel, “I am prosperous, I have desires”. True. Still, if the mind is not absorbed in the Guru there is no use. Even if you have all the wealth, desires, fame and Karna-like magnanimity and courage (Karna is a character from Mahabharata known for his courage and generosity) , life is worthless if the mind is not absorbed in the Guru’s feet and there is no devotion towards the Guru. They stipulated that if there’s no devotion to the Guru, all these can be dismissed. Now, they are talking about sacrifice. Lot of people say, “I have no desire at all for pleasures, for Yoga, for karma (action), or for women”. They keep saying this all the time. “What’s there in money? I ha...